Holy Ghost Riders Motorcycle Ministry

Monday, March 29, 2010

When choosing a career path, I was doing a lot of consideration as to what objectives I wanted to complete in the process. I had been working a factory job and kept having issues with the favoritism you see in these settings. I had multiple considerations when choosing, some of which are very far-fetched, and some which are attainable. One career I considered was to become a Pastor with a Master’s degree in Christian Ministry. This would be attainable if I had the opportunity to attend the Seminary of my choice, which turned out to be a problem, as the Seminary is in Southern California. Another career I considered was to be in Information Technology (IT). This career was easier for me to gain due to the fact that many different colleges are offering education in this career. For this paper, I chose what seemed to be a good option in the IT field, and that is Information Technology Law. My mother has worked in the law field longer than I have been alive, so it was almost a no-brainer for me to choose this. This field is fairly new, so information is tough to get. One nice thing is that all states have a bar exam for this field. Due to the advancements in technology in the recent years, the need for lawyers that are specialized in IT are needed to help prosecute or help defend people in court. This field interests me mainly due to the fact that a good portion of judges and lawyers don’t have good knowledge of the inner workings of computers nor how they could be used for various types of crime. Through this research paper, I hope to gain a better knowledge of what is involved in the career as well as be able to help the audience to have a better idea of how there is a need for lawyers that specialize in this field.


Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Purpose of this blog

Well, as most of you who read this know, I am a student at Yavapai College. I am enrolled in Ms. Darrow's English 101 course, so this blog is part of that. This will mainly be for my class, as it is a requirement for one of the "projects" that we are doing, which is on a future career we would like to be in.

My career choice would either be a Director of IT, or an IT Lawyer. I am a computer nerd, and have been working in the IT field on my own for over 15 years. For this assignment, I will be basing all my work on the IT Lawyer side of the field.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010


This is just to test that it works good...